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- PTU-SummerPink
- PTU-RacAddicted
- PTU_EMOlution
- PTU -Punk by NAC
- PTU-EmoLove Crystal's
- PTU-VeryPretty
- PTU-CertifiedCuteness
- PTU-FunkyPunkyEmo
- PunkedUp
- PTU-Tiffani
- PTU-PlayTimeStartsNow
- PTU-RockGirl
- PTU-Music Music
- PTU-Good At Being Bad
- PTU-CherryBlossomStamp
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NEW PTU Gold Tones Christmas. Huge kit. 158 elements and 20 papers. All Tagger kits and clusters only 74 cents. Sale is ending soon. 8...
33 % off all Christmas Kits At Scrappin Naturally HERE . HappYPsp_inG!
Tag made by my new tagger Martha she used my Christmas Green PTU kit. You can pick it up here at AmyMarie's Kits here . HappyPsp_ing!
Hiya guys! Today I am using a very beautiful colored kit by Crazy Girl PTU kit and you can get it HERE Tube by ArthurCrowe and you can get ...
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Hi guys!
Today I am using a PTU kit called SummerSweets By
and you can get it at Enchanted Dreams Boutique HERE
the cutest kit ever!
Open up a canvas 600x600
and open up the ribbon
take your wand and click on the inside of it
select all-float-modifly-expand by 5-invert
drag in paper of choice
hit delete key
now drag in poser 4
and hit delete key
select none
open element
merge together
add shadow and place on ribbon
we have now made us a cluster frame
add the ribbon or bow or whatever you want
I used element
ribbon 2 and dfly
the ribbon I slightly turned. Just a hair.freehand
add shadow
decor 7, 4 and seat
add name and credits
see yall next time
Friday, May 27, 2011
Today I am using a PTU kit called Rac Addict By CrystalCreations
and you can get to her HERE
Template5 by Artmama HERE
and of course the awesome work by Ismael Rac HERE
filter Mura-Copies_line HERE
open template
standing on last raster
select all-float-add new raster-flood fill black
add shadow
open element s
green fire and green brad
take the green brad and size down
go to effects-plugins-muras copies-lines change only -number on the line-make it 15
earse any hanging over the black
copy paste on next line
repeat til its like mine
standing on oval
select all=add new raster-floodfill with gradient
add in flames-close up tube-
invert-hit delete key
open the balloon
paste them wherever
add credits and name.
cute kit for rac tubes!
siggy coming up next
Monday, May 23, 2011
hi guys!
today I am using a awesome kit PTU-Emolution by PCD and you can get it at Lollipops N Gumdrops HERETube by the awesome Verymany at PFD HERE
open frame 2
take your magic want clicking inside the frame-modify-expand by 5-
open papers 9&10
I took my color picker tool and picked one color.switched other box picked the other color from papers
made a gradient
back to frame.
add new raster-floodfill
with the gradient.
pick a texture of choice!
I have a texture very similar or the same to the paper use here.
I used it.
standing on the gradient-select all-float-defloat-invert
paste in a close up tube
merge them together
hit delete key
add shadow
blend mode-softlight
open tube
add shadow
open element skull2
size down by 50%
and paste all around the frame.
merge them all togther
add shadow
open elements
glitter & the beads
copy BOTH
place them similar to mine
add shadows
open elements
take your magic want and click inside the
modify-expand by 5-invert
open paper 1&2(hit delete key once paper is in marching ants)
use paper one on one filmstrip and paper 2 on another filmstrip
see mine as example.
use same instructions as above!
open elements
copy 2xs paste
add shadow
add name and credits
Sunday, May 22, 2011
PTU -Punk by NAC
I made some cute snaggies with a PTU kit called PUNK by NaughtyAngelDesignz
you can see her blog HERE
Monday, May 16, 2011
Today I am using a PTU kit called TGIF by Butterfly Kisses
and you can get it HERE at ScrappinDollars.
Tube by PFD artist misticheskaya
template1 by Yvette
And the link no longer works.
which I did not know intil after I made this tag
so email me and Ill be happy to send it to you.
standing on the big rectangle .select all.float.invert .drag in paper 17.delete
add shadow
now delete the two small rectangles
and open elements buckles 1 &2
add them where you just deleted the two rectangles.
add shadow.
Mirror the one on bottom.
see mine
standing on background frame
select all-float-addnew raster-floodfill with color of picking-
invert-add tube-delete-select none
same thing on other side.pick another color
on the colors you just picked.
effects-textures-pick you a texture.
for frame
selectall-float-invert-drag in paper 12 -delete
open elements butterfly one and two
add shadow
open all the sparkles and add the
sparkles2,3,& 4 to the background
sparkles one on top
use mine
add elements
string button2
and ribbon 04
add name and credits
Friday, May 13, 2011
PTU-EmoLove Crystal's
Hiya everyone!
Today I am using a PTU kit called EmoLove by Crystals Creationsand you can find her HERE
Tube by Lix and PTE and thats HERE
Template68 By Missy and thats HERE
filter penta - jeans
Before we do anything lets get the canvas bigger
is what I expanded mine to.
This is the main size I always work with anyhoo
starting from bottom lets stand on raster rectangle
select all-float-defloat-invert-add paper 6-delete-select none
papers used were-6,10,9,4
no need to repeat instructions over and over
add shadow to frame and bottom rectangle
open element love splot
paste -last layer-bring just above the top of template-
copy-drag down just so a lil bit sticks out at bottom of template
stand on paper 4(square frame background)-select all-invert-paste in tube-delete-
blend mode-screen-opacity 80%-penta jeans-default
open elements bow with pin
emo love stars(copy and paste)
emo love ribbon
emo love bunny
add you shadows
credits and name
See you next time guys!!
Hiya guys!
Today I am using a very beautiful colored kit by Crazy Girl
PTU kit and you can get it HERE
Tube by ArthurCrowe and you can get his work at PTE here
Let me just say. This tube by Arthur Crowe is perfect with this kit!
mask of choice!
draw out a square.small. use mine as example
now open a canvas of 650x650
open papers 1 & 4
standing on the square you drawed
convert to raster
select all,float,invert-paper 1 (you will do same for paper 4also!)delete
select none
add innerbevel to both
settings-6-6-10- -4 - 0- 345-
place them similar to mine
select frame-click inside frame with magic wand-expand by 5-invert-(do this with both frames)
add paper 4 & 1-delete
now on purple frame add pink back etc
add tube while frames are still selected-hit delete key!
open elements-flower 5 and 8
also elements butterfly 3
add name and credits
also with this awesome kit I made a siggy
This tube by ArthurCrowe is perfect for this kit!
Hiya Guys!
Today I am using a PTU kit called "CertifiedCuteness" By Jens Sweet Tempationsand you can get it here at LOLLIPOPS N GUMDROPS
This is a really simple and quick tut.
Open a canvas of 650x650 up
open elements
the frame-copy-mirror
place the one over the other that it makes ONE WINDOW
Sit doll on it
make one not two!
open element
add shadow to both
add name and credits
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
ptu KIT By Crystals Creations.
you can find her HERE
TUBE by LadyMishka and you can find here now at SATC here
canvas 650-x200
paste in paper5
paste in close up tube
opacity 80%
penta jeans.default settings
paper5 select all,float,defloat, selection borders 5
delete tube part and copy tube part
canvas expand to 700x700
paste on elements brad2 and streamers
use mine as examples
and open and paste element funky punky skulls
and you have a new and I will say awesome siggy! heh
Hope you enjoyed.
Ok today I have made two tags with one PTU kit "FunkyPunkyEmo"
and as soon as I get the tut out. Ill work on a siggy set! This kit is by Crystal'sCreations
and you can get to her HERE
Tube by LadyMishka who is now at SATC and you can find her HERE
open canvas of 650x650 up
another one
now open element funkypunkyframe2
size down 80%
open the lady m tube.
place behinde frame
take selection tool-point to point.draw around frame-
invert-stand on tube-delete
merge together.
size down 80%
drag in to blank 650x650 canvas
open elements pokydots
now here you place the 1st one behind the frame (see mine)
copy one-mirror it.
move slighty the copy one onto the it becomes one
but hangs out just a lil bit.
use mine as a example
open element
word art and emo bunny
size them both down 80% place
on one tag I used LadyM's standing tube aslo
on one I didnt.
either way..add name and credits
hope you had fun!
Today I am using the awesome kit PTU by Toxic Desirez
and you can get the kit HERE
Tube by PFD artist Verymany and you can get that HERE
Open element splatter2.
copy and paste 4 times.arrange them like a mask/background type.
then merge them all together. do a light shadow
open element frame2-size down 80%
open your tube(copy)
click inside frame-expand by6-invert
place in tube-delete
open up copy -erase extra
use mine as example
open element Bow1
size down 60%
add shadow
open element beaded string-copy-one of them-mirror
add shadow
add name and credits.
Thank you guys and Ill see you next time
be watching this kit is so cool...Ill be making another tag with it!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Hi guys!
Today I am using scrapkit PTU by Addicted2Scrapz and you can get it at ScrappinDollars HERE
open element ele102
take your magic /selection tool-freehand-point to point-
and draw around the frame-invert-pace in paper 20
add shadow to frame.
open up poser-scale down by pixels
place in front of frame and add shadow
open elements
The pink one I sized down 10% more then the white.
place them similar to mine
place-add noise-100%-add shadow
elements95 and 106-size down-add shadows
element 88
copy and paste3X's-add shadow.
see you guys next time!!
PTU kit by Rebellious Scraps and you can get it here at Lollipops N Gumdrops
Tube by Barbara Jensen and you can get that at her site HERE
This is a pretty easy tut.
You dont have to have anything special. I used everything from kit.
650x650 canvas
open element sign and frame 3
place the frame over the sign and adjust the size to fit the sign
merge together add shadow
now open and place elements:
belt,bottle,cig pack,collar one,corset,handcuffs,hat,briefcase,
skull chain ,skull pillow,tackle whip,whip2,lighter,
and place tube.
merge all together.add shadow.resize 90%
name and credits!
have fun guys.
Hi guys!!
Today I am using a PTU kit called "RockStar" by CrazyGirl and you can get it
Tube is by Keith Garvey and you can get it at PTE HERE
mask 84 wsl and you can get it HERE
eyecandy 4000-glow
open a canvas of 650x650
then go to your preset shape tools and draw out a rectangle -frame part only-
close off your background/fills
size I used was 22 in width
covert to raster-select all-float-invert-drag in paper 3-delete-select none4 delete
copy two more times.
rotate one to the left one to the right at 15%
open close up of inside frame-expand 4-invert
paste in tube-delete
paste in tube two more times.
drag the two that are the same shots
behinde the shot of the tubes face
see mine..
blend mode-screen
close up of face I used xero-radiance-55,118,164,255, blend mode-opacity95
elements I used where:
guitar one and pic one
star 2 and 3
word art rock girl
on the word art I used filter
eyecandy 4000 settings where from FAT
I used colors white and pink 3.00
add name and credits!
See you guys next time
Friday, May 6, 2011
PTU-Music Music
Hey Guys!
Tonight Im using a PTU kit called Skullz Rawk by Crystal's Creations.and you can get to her HERE
Tube by Awesome Orkusart and you can get his work here PFD
Template 24 at HERE
filter (Penta)
Open template and delete credits
standing on raster one .select all.float.expand by 5.floodfill black.addnoise
select none
still standing on all.float.invert add new raster.drag in paper 8-delete
select none
open element wire.
drag to bottom
crop page to fit the wire
add shadow
standing on raster2
select all-float-invert-drag in paper 18-delete-select none
same thing for raster 3 except use paper 17
delete rasters 4&5
open elements -record-place -use mine as a guide
open elements-scattered notes.
place like mine.copy
raster 7 & 9 (same things)
stand on raster-select all-float-invert -drag in paper 13-delete-select none
rasters 6&8 same things
merge together-select all-float-invert-drag in paper 2-delete-drag in tune-delete edges-select none
standing on paper 2-effects-penta-vtr2)default settings)
standing on tube.blend mode-hardlight-effects-penta-jeans0default
add shadow
other elements used
both skullcaps
and all the stars.
resize.add shadow and place them
add name and credits!
I hope you guys had fun!
see you next time
Thursday, May 5, 2011
MICKEY.. email me hun..
so I can get your info. You won this love
Sebastian is soon to be 17.. Siera will be 13 in 10days. Ireland just turn 10 end of Jan and my baby Hannah just had a bday..she is 9
so I can get your info. You won this love
Sebastian is soon to be 17.. Siera will be 13 in 10days. Ireland just turn 10 end of Jan and my baby Hannah just had a bday..she is 9
PTU-Good At Being Bad
Today I am using PTU kit called Soo Good at Being Bad by JensSweetTempations
and you can buy that here at ScrapsWithAttitude
Tube by Jose Cano at PTE HERE
Tempalate is 106 BeckysCreations .get that HERE
filters used were all free ware
Font came with PSPX3-Edwardian
Open the template and delet
credits-bottom two ractangles
standing on scallop circle
float-add new raster-floodfill black-select none
open element-Candy1-resiz90%
place it in the circle(use mine as example
delete Beckys circle
standing on rectanglebackgound
select all-float-add new raster-floodfill black-add noise-40%-select none
stand on rectangle1
select all-float-add new layer-floodfill with color #a9869d
select none
effects-funhouse-heizenburg's mirror 14
effects-tramage(poolshadow)-settings =50-50-50-50-50-50-47-128
staning on frame fill.flood fill it with the same color of purple ,same as before.
add close up tube
blend mode-hardlight-xero-moonlight
copy -blend-hardlight -opacity80%
element laceup 1
size down40% copy-mirror
standing on frame-select all-float-invert-drag in paper 3-delete
effects-innerbevel-settings=3,6,6,__-4,0(rest of settings at default)
effects-tramage-poolshadow(same as before)
add elements
hat and flowers4
open glitter
paste onto canvas-copy-mirror-merge
drag down to bottom
add your tube
here is where I used my sparkle brush. if you have biggie
name-font of choice-3d filter-settings =14-30-0-0-0-100-2-4-80
name and credits.
Hope you had fun!!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Tonight I am using a PTU kit and you can get it
at Scrappin Dollars HERE
Poser included in the kit.
open canvas up to 650x650
open element frame5 up
click inside of frame with magic wand
select all,expand 4, invert
drag in paper 7
open poser 5_2
standing on paper7-select all-float-invert
poser delete key
standing on poser-blend mode-softlight
copy-overlay=opacity 80
pink paper-filter -penta jeans.default settings
open elements-flowers and ribbons
size down.add shadow.
open poser -5_5
open pink butterflys..size down 50% copy..two of them
copy one size down 50% similar to mine
using a mask of choice-add paper9
merge them all togther.
open element-stamp frame.rotate left 90
open new canvas 650x650
drag in stamp
postion..size down if need -JUST A LIL bit
drag in merged down tag we have been working on
size down 99(98%_
to make it fit into stamp.
you should now have a cherryblossom stamp!
add name and credits
see ya next time!!
FTU-FairyGoth sig
I guess by now you guys know I am addicted to
anyhoo.. today I am using a FTU kit called GothicCheekyVal
by Jenny'sDesignz and you can get to her HERE
open a canvas of 650X200
this is full size..sooo
open paper 7 and
size down to 660x660
drag into blank canvas
the tube
size down-drag in-blend mode-overlay-copy
blendmode-hardlight-opacity 80%
size down
paste into all sides of sig.
add a darkshadow.
and move it to its similar to mine.
now add in the element fog.
drag down to last ribbon
and move over to the left hand side
now you should have one ribbon(sideways)
2ribbons above it
now copy the fog
and drag it above the other 3 ribbion copies
add in danglers.(sized down also to 650x650)
now your tube again
size her way down..300 in height is what mine was
you may have to adjust
place her over on right hand side
size down sparkles
and then place them over on smaller tube -more to the right
add border-black-3
add border-grey-3
add border-black-3
add name and credits
now make you a "TAR"
Today I am using PTU kit "Date Night" by BrokenSkyDezine and you can
find her here
Tube by Ismael Rac and you can get his work here
maskWSL 84 here
open a canvas 650x650
and using your shape tools draw out a circle
using paper 5
(make sure paper5 is opened in your psp, then go to patterns
and you will see it there)
standing on your circle
copy it.
select all.float.modify.contract10(15)
hit delete
and you should have a border circle now.
floodfill it white.addnoise.80%
now you should have a circle frame
add you close up tube.
soft light
you dont have to do this. but I took my brush and did me some stars.
You can do the same or use your pre shape to make some stars.
using colors in paper-add noise 80%
using paper 14 add mask84
add noise40%
open elements
bead string
bling(copy and pasted several times.resized)
champang bottle
rosepetals1(copy and paste)
you can add them where you want or use mine as a example.
dont forget to add shadow
credits and name.
see ya next time!!!
Hi guys!
Today I used a PTU kit by Rieka Rafita
and you can get it here at SCRAPS WITH ATTITUDE
Tubes by the awesome Imael Rac and you can get them HERE
open a canvas of 650x650
now open another canvas.
we have got to make our frames.
draw out a square frame with your preset shapes.
dont make it very big at all. Use mine as a example.
convert to raster and now open your papers + 2-6-and 15
standing on your square all,float,invert add paper 2.hit delete
effects.inner bevel.settings-
now do the same thing one more time..with paper 6
now copy and paste both frames into your
canvas that you will start working on.
click inside each all.modify-expand3
invert add paper 16 hit delete
repeat these steps for the other frame.
paste in your bill and eric tubes
size down
standing on paper 16
select all ,float,invert,
stand on bill..delete
stand on eric..delete
blend mode-softlight
now we have our vamps framed.
now open element
mask..copy.move around to
its similar to mine.
below frames.
next element
flower leaves and hearts
starting with the hearts.size down 70%
drag below frames.copy -mirror
then flower leaves-size down ,place on left frame ,corner
copy -flip-mirror
copy mirror
now you should have 4 and they should
be similar to mine.
open up the word art
size down 70%
paste in
and now the ribbon2
starting at the bottom of my bill frame
i sized down 70%
placed a lil under so most showed at the bottom.
copied -mirror -flipped up.
moved up under the eric frame.
use mine as a example.
add your sookie tube
credits and name
and you are done!
o and dont forget to add drop shadows!!
next time!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
PTU-Scent of Summer
This morning I am using the PTU kit byKNCscraps
and you can get it here at LOLLIPOPS 'N GUMDROPS
I used the tube of Elias and you can get it here at PTE
mask17 by HorsePlayPasture and you can get it here
font is Leroy and Halo
Mask is on paper4-copied 3times and moved
to look like mine.
Open frame 1-resize none
place in center, move up a tid bit
open close up tube
copy-move one up above frame
one below frame.close off the one above
place the one below frame
add shadow
open tube above frame and erase the extra
now it should be similar to mine.
open elements
grass and basket
grass size down-copy-mirror
basket size down-
size down 80% twice
element 3 and butterflys-size down copy -mirror
place them similar to mine
element4-size down copy-mirror
place on frame 1
open bird,yellow branch-copied..moved just a tid bit down.
size them down and place simlar to mine
open your yellow bow..size down 20% and place on basket
this kit has so many elements that you could just go crazy with your own placing.
Typed in words with Leroy font
name in Halo
got both at Da Font
add credits and you are done!
Hope you had fun.see ya next time!!
Hope you had fun.see ya next time!!
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